Sunday 27 February 2011

Trading In-running

I tried uploading a video directly onto the blog but sadly it didn't accept it for some weird reason?
No matter, i just uploaded it to youtube. Didn't manage to get any audio this time but if there's enough interest i may do a few more videos explaining my thought process during the race.

Here's the link:

Since there's no audio i will explain what's happening:

  • First off its the 14:40 race at Fontwell Park. I traded on the race before the off on 'Pouvoir' but sadly got caught by a 20k trader, so i accepted a loss of £6.71 before the off. I also managed to trade the horse 'Rockoboy' who's odds were 250/1 at the time, i managed to trade a few ticks to make £9.23. I wouldn't recommend trading on such high odds but the trade just looked right at the time.

  • At around 0:45seconds in i tried to lay the Favourite 'Fruity Orooney', i tried to do this because the jockey had started pushing the horse and i felt the odds would rise. Sadly i missed the ideal opportunity twice. I then managed to get my lay matched at 2.36 for £35 and then put a back order in at 2.42. I wanted to exit the trade as quickly as possible because the race was entering its final stages and no other horse was picking up at the time. 
  • My attention then got shifted to Pouvoir as it took the fence well at (1:30) and seemed to have more in the tank. (In, in-running your not looking for the horse that is going to necessarily win the race, but that is going well at the time and  shows signs that it may have more in the tank). I manged to get £25 matched at 3.70 (back side), then put a lay order in at 2.88 for £25 which was also successfully matched. This managed to cancel my red which i had on Pouvoir before the off. I then greened up across the board giving me a total profit of £12.80. 
  • I changed my stake of £35 to £25 on the previous trade as i felt there was more risk involved as it was closer to the finish and if the jockey on board Pouvoir started driving the horse at this point it's odds would sky rocket, this happened on the fence after i greened up. Where the horse's odds jumped from 2.36 before the fence to a high of 10 after the fence. (Another personal rule i have in, in-running is that i try not to trade on a horse when they are jumping a fence/hurdle. As obviously if the horse falls or even hits the fence hard the odds will go up steeply.) 
  • I also tend not to try trade the last 2 furlongs or so, as this is the most volatile period and because i am not at the track i do not have the "live" feed, so i am acting a second or two behind traders at the track.

Sorry if the description was a little rushed, but hopefully you can gain something from it.

Any feedback is appreciated.
Hope everyone had a successful day trading and god do i hate Birmingham! Well actually hates a big word but what a cock up!


  1. hi,

    you say you dont trade a horse when jumping the fence but your using betfair video which is way behind the action.

  2. Hi anon,

    I have an ATR subscription on sky to and have done plenty of tests. ATR is even slightly slower than the betfair stream, if you don't believe me try it out.
    The only other way that i could see a "live" feed is at the actual racecourse itself.
    What feed do you use?
