Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Learning new sports

When i say learning new sports i don't mean learning how to play them, i mean learning how to trade them! Like when is the best time to back a team/lay a team. What are the stats saying for that particular game?
And of course a lot more!

The past week I've started to trade on Basketball games. I spent hours trawling the Internet to look for a near enough live feed so i could watch the games i was trading on, which is a must! Luckily after a few attempts i found a pretty decent site which shows some live streams (2-3 second delay).
 link --> http://www.livescorehunter.tv/

At the moment I'm just trying to learn the league structures and trying to learn the all the important stats.

I managed to trade the New York Knicks V's Boston Celtics game last night. At one point the Celtics were behind by about 16points. However they managed to come back and win the match by 10 points. Luckily i managed to lay Knicks at 1.20 and got out at 4.2 for a nice profit of £16.

Hopefully going to trade the Bulls vs Hawks tonight, really fancy the Bulls to win it (currently @ 1.6) However I'm a newbie so don't mark my words!

Looking forward to learning more about trading the sport because as of the end of May i will be in the States for 10 months.
Also learning a new sport really keeps you on your toes.

Ciao for now,


  1. ESPN America often have the NBA games on. I started watching a year or so ago when off work sick for a week, Labron James is awesome to watch :-)

  2. Had a look at your blog mate keep up with the good work!
    Aint got ESPN sadly! So just have to try look for free streams!

  3. Glad you had a look... it's more to try and document what I'm doing than anything. I'm slowly getting my head around bits so it will hopefully document those stupid questions and mistakes like this evenings!

    Have you tried myp2p.eu?

  4. Ye using it now mate thanks though. Stopped trading on the game have got £48 green on Bulls now (backed 1.6 £100, layed £100 1.13). So has worked out nicely! Don't think they will throw it away as they're crusing, so not going to green it up.

    I started off the same way as yourself, but i started looking at trading and havent turned back from it.
    And believe me everyone makes those rookie mistakes! Keep on it! If you don't jump in the water you won't learn to swim!
    Have you got the geeks toy? Id recommend having a play around with that backing and laying.

  5. Yeh I've downloaded it yesterday actually and am planning on trying to get to grips with it. Seen some guys pulling some impressive wins on tennis particularly. Definitely going to try and get to grips with it over the weekend when I can really devote some time to it.
